Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Web 2.0's most ridiculous sites

From today's Computerworld. They say: "Here are 14 of the silliest and most redundant, tasteless or mystifying Web 2.0 sites. Warning: Visiting these sites may impair higher brain functions."

It's pretty funny, and spot on as Nigel might say. Rather than repeat it here. Go see for yourself:


Gem Michigan said...
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Gem Michigan said...

Ah, humor is the best medicine! Blabberize with talking animals is my favorite! Along the lines of humor, check out the CollgeHumors - Font Conference video.

ComputerWorld's While Windows Sleeps in the August 18 issue describes a couple of applications that work without MS Windows loads completely. I appreciate the concept and see its usefulness. I wonder if there are legal issues with the applications.

Gem Michigan said...

Instead of deleting another message to make corrections to my links, I'm doing a new post with the Font Conference video link. Hopefully, third time is a charm!

askill said...

It might be worth a survey but I think the number 2 purpose of the web is turning out to be humor. How many joke e-mail do we get a day?

My guess is that the umber 1 purpose is the sex industry. Probably number 3 is commerce and number 4 is crime.

Blog Bandit said...

Wow, some of these are CRAZY! Documenting ones eating habits? File Swap sounds interesting, but pretty dangerous. Upload a file and get something random back? I don't think I'll let my kids check that site out.

It seems that anyone is willing to try their greatest idea out on the web and try to become the next YouTube or Facebook. But you never know, they could catch on... watch out!

asdasd said...

"Some ginger dude eats macdonalds every day until he gets fat and chunders"

Now *that* is art.

wincoder said...

I am amazed at how much time people are willing to spend doing this kind of stuff.